How I Broke My Brain – By Writing a New Book

I’m starting a new book today! – Hooray! But… to be honest, I’ve been telling myself this for a few weeks.

This month, I’ve come up with a new romance series and the basic plot and characters for 3 new books (to start with.)

Then I decided I should write a different book in a series that I started 4+ years ago. (Yes, yes, I know some of you are waiting for these books – and I am now going to continue, and hopefully finish, The Night Medicine series!)

After doing some research, I was feeling a little stuck on some of the plot points – so I took the time to refill my creative well – and rearrange my brain from contemporary romance to historical – and after a great yoga class, I mentally worked things out! YAY! –> more or less –>

While contemplating the complexities of timeline, multiple main characters, history, politics, & meshing storylines A B C D E F & G through Z, and not forgetting anything in the first Night Medicine book,

I broke my brain. – Yep, I’m broken.

Did you know that writing is really hard?

Like level 3 trillion-gazillion difficulty. — This *might* be part of the reason I haven’t returned to historical fiction. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤓

That’s not totally true. I generally write what I feel like writing and contemporary romance has been super fun to write, and completely challenging in its own right.

But just because the new book will be my 17th novel, doesn’t mean things get easier. It might even be harder because the pressure and expectations I put on myself to make each book better are extremely high.

However, I do like a challenge. 😊 So – onward and upward! I’m piecing together the broken bits of my brain today and putting it all back in place. Hopefully, this will turn out to be another fantastic page-turning adventure in Old West, Montana and the Blackfoot Nation.

Historical fiction and time travel have been a passion of mine since I was a child. I foresee that I will be lost in this series for a while to come.

If you need me, please visit the years 1860 – 1870. That’s where I’ll be living for the rest of 2019. 😉

Unless, of course, I need some romantic comedy in my life, then I will be in the present time writing sexy, funny things that make me LOL.

#WritersLife #Amwriting #WritersAreTheirOwnBreedofHuman

As always,
Cheers and happy reading

Jody A. Kessler

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