Hooray! NEW RELEASE – Reclaiming Melanie – Granite Lake Romance

Hello and welcome back!

I haven’t posted anything on my blog for some time, but I’m thrilled to have you stop by. And I have great news:

I’m happy to announce my NEW RELEASE! – Reclaiming Melanie – Granite Lake Romance book 3 

What’s the new book about?

Single mom Melanie Jamison doesn’t have time for half-naked rescues from Granite Lake by her first love, Braden Keehn — the boy who mysteriously disappeared from her life a decade earlier. Coaching, repurposing furniture, and taking care of her daughter who has severe allergies have her swamped.

But there’s one gargantuan problem with this second chance romance – the sexy alpha game warden doesn’t seem to remember her.

Special Ops Game Warden Braden Keehn’s recent drug investigation leaves him ambushed in the forest and lucky to escape alive. Helping his brother fix and flip an investment property in Granite Lake is just what the doctor ordered for a quiet recuperation.

But there’s one mammoth-sized surprise — Melanie, the girl he loved and lost, lives in the house next door… and he can’t tell her anything about why he’s returned.

Reuniting with Melanie — and falling in love again is easy — but gaining her trust and finding their happy ever after brings frustrating, steamy, and sometimes hilarious challenges Braden never saw coming.

**A steamy, sexy, fun second-chance romance.

Reclaiming Melanie is a stand-alone novel with a happy ever after.

Would you like to read an excerpt?

“Excuse me?”

Melanie spun around and got slapped in the face with her past. Her jaw dropped and she was struck speechless by the man standing next to her car. Instantly self-aware of her hasty hairdo, lack of makeup, and varnish and paint-stained jeans, she found herself capable of doing, well, nothing. Deer-in-the-headlights syndrome much?

Braden Keehn smiled with a bad boy grin he didn’t possess eleven years earlier. His jeans were slung low over his hips and the abundance of ripped muscles beneath his thin cotton V-neck shirt screamed of hours spent working out in the gym. There was no subtlety or humility behind the gleam in his eye, and she somehow knew he’d checked out her package before turning around. The differences about his demeanor from when she knew him before were subtle, yet somehow glaringly obvious. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Melanie shook herself and tried to gain some composure.

“Hi there.” He stuck his hand out.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, or shock. He doesn’t recognize me. They spent nearly a year together when they were teenagers. How could he not know her? They were each other’s first love.

“I’m your new neighbor.” He dropped his hand as she still hadn’t recovered her ability to function.

He said something else, but she missed it because Sienna’s music switched songs and blared out of the car speakers.

“Sorry. I didn’t hear you.” She gestured toward the open door. “Hold on. Let me turn this down.”

Braden Keehn bought the house next door! Braden Keehn, the boy who broke her heart so completely it sent her on the path that led to teenaged pregnancy, dropping out of college, and a marriage she may not have otherwise chosen…


If you would like to find out more about Reclaiming Melanie, you can click here: Amazon 

AND… if you haven’t had a chance to read Chasing Treasure, now is a great time to download a copy because for a few days only, book 2 is .99 cents.

The Granite Lake Romance series is available on Amazon.

Paperback copies are also available for Chasing Treasure and Reclaiming Melanie.

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day!!

Warmest regards,

Jody A. Kessler

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