The Yin-Yang of Burrito Giving (How to change your acidic headspace & find positivity.)

Hubs brought me a breakfast burrito this morning.

What a good guy. ❤️❤️❤️

I take back all the bad things I’ve ever said about him. 😉

haha – only kidding –

But he really is a good guy and he does things for me all the time.

Just like I do things for him. We’re partners in every sense of the word.

As I sit here at my desk with a happy full tummy (thanks Hubby) I scroll through my news feeds and daily headlines and notice so much negativity about men, men in positions of power, and men in politics doing absolutely horrible things or being accused of atrocious behavior (toward women mostly) and I think to myself, wow… *I need a good cry now* but then I remember that

~ There are more good guys on this planet than there aren’t. ~

With all the negativity floating around in the media and social media about men I choose to focus on the positive because

I believe women and men are equals. We’re not the same in some respects (obviously – his anatomy is different *cough* penis *cough-cough*) but…

Hubs and I choose to be together. Because we’re better together.

Life is about balance.  – Balance is actually one of the universal laws – and that translates to

Male~Female * Yin~Yang * Positive~Negative * Up~down * Chocolate~Salad

Let me add in here that I am NO WAY saying there isn’t a problem with our male dominated society. There are a ton of problems—and there isn’t a good balance between women and men in our current modern civilization. But does Man Shaming really help anything? And… If the tides were turned and all the headlines were focused on terrible women doing and saying terrible things, I would still write these same thoughts and say: There are more good women on this planet than there aren’t.

So for today, I remind myself of this:

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

What does that even mean?

Well… energetically speaking:

If you focus on the negative all the time, then that becomes your reality. Your energy will attract similar energies.

So I ask myself: Are my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors helping make the changes I want to see in my world?

Am I focusing on too many negatives and forgetting all the positivity and love in my life? Because if I’m being a sourpus, negative, grumpy crab cake more often then I’m not, then I’ve officially become part of the problem…. (Like energies attract, remember?)


That’s now how I want to live.

But I can’t just live with my head in the sand (all the time) – hmm – or can I?  I’ve unplugged and distanced myself from all the negativity around me many times. It actually does me a lot of good, but I eventually get sucked back into the frenzied mess we call modern life.

And being in an acidic headspace is emotionally draining and depressing. And guess what?  If I’m emotionally drained and depressed then I will attract more of that energy to myself.

– Which has dire consequences on my physical well-being. Because…. in case you didn’t know or have forgotten.  The mind~body~soul are one. They are not separate parts of a whole. We are whole beings not hole beings.

There is no separation between mind and body. <– If you’ve never heard that before, put it on repeat inside your head until the truth of it sinks in. –> There is no separation between mind and body.

So please take care of yourself on all levels. Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and intuitive. Do it for yourself and do it for the higher good of all.

Changing the world means SHIFTING YOUR PERCEPTION (aka transmutation.)  It’s that easy and that hard. (Sometimes it is SO hard. Ugh.)

Now it’s your turn. Get a burrito from a friend or loved one, then give one.

aka – find your healthy balance. 🙂

This has been your not quite so serious and somewhat silly blog post.

Thanks for being here. I appreciate all my readers.

Feel free to agree or disagree in the comments below.

Cheers & happy reading,

Jody A Kessler

In case you didn’t know, I am not only an author, but a long time yoga teacher. However, philosophies, beliefs, and strange opinions are my own.

I also change my mind quite often (a basic right of being a female or human) so check back here for more caffeine-fueled future ramblings.

You can find my really long ramblings in the form of novels on Amazon. 😉


new Granite Lake Romance coming soon! 

99 Books for 99 Pennies – Plus NEWS & More!

Welcome to September & Thanks for being here!

It’s been a little while since I posted anything new. Summer is a busy time filled with a lot of reading and spending time with my family. However, I somehow managed to finish writing the new Granite Lake Romance!

Although, (sad news) I do not have a definite release date and I am waiting on the cover art. So, the book is done, but there is a long list of steps ahead to get Detecting Autumn published and in front of your lovely eyes.

In case you haven’t started reading the Granite Lake Romance series, you can download a copy of book one – Unwrapping Treasure – for 99 pennies today. AND >>> you can also enter to win some wonderful prizes and gift cards by hopping on over to Bookwrapt. ~~> Please be aware that Unwrapping Treasure is novella length with a nice happy-for-now ending. Genre: Steamy Contemporary Romance

A September Special for you – 99 Books @ 99 Cents Book Fair.

Almost 100 books ON SALE in all genres, romance, sci-fi and fantasy, paranormal romance, historical romance, romantic suspense, mysteries, thrillers, and more.

Plus, check in daily for a chance to win Amazon gift cards or play instant ebook giveaways for one of 12 books being awarded to lucky winners each day.

The book sale and giveaways are located at BookWrapt – CLICK HERE 

September 6 – 12th.

There are some wonderful books by some of my favorite authors for less than a dollar. I hope you will stop by and find some fantastic new books to read.

I will have a release date for Detecting Autumn – Granite Lake Romance – book 5 soon and hopefully a new book cover to share with you as well.

Happy reading,

Jody A. Kessler


If you signed up to receive blog posts – thank you very much! – but if you were looking for my free novella – The Call (An Angel Falls)  – and you did not receive it, it is because you need to sign up for the newsletter. – I have both.  HOWEVER – the content between the blog and newsletters are very similar. Newsletter subscribers receive the free copy of The Call and special offers such as joining my Advance Reader Team.

I’m so grateful for each and every one of you. You’re welcome to join my blog and my newsletter or come and go as you please.

I can also save you some time if you missed the freebie and would like to read it. Here is the link to the FREE copy of The Call – An Angel Falls novella 

Genre: Paranormal with ghost hunting – this is a spin off from the An Angel Falls series.

Cheers. Have a great day!   ^_^

Crystal Casters ~ New Release from Jenn Nixon

I’d like to welcome my friend and fellow author, Jenn Nixon. She’s celebrating her brand new release, Crystal Casters – Awakenings.

Let’s find out more about this SciFi Parnormal Romance ~

About the book

When Cyndra Raine inherits her grandmother’s crystal, she inadvertently awakens a lethal elemental force she doesn’t understand. Panicked and desperate, she flees the safety of her village, determined to find answers only to run into a man named Rune with the same abilities and questions.

Zorin has spent twenty-five years soaring over his island waiting for something, anything, to change. After sensing caster power he can’t ignore, he leaves the island and finds two casters under attack on the mainland. He’s shocked to learn Cyndra and Rune are ignorant of their lineage and the war that destroyed the world.

Intrigued by Cyndra and the immense power she possesses, Zorin promises her the truth about the past in exchange for her help. Inexplicably drawn to the winged man, Cyndra agrees to his terms and together they begin a journey that tests everything she knows about her world and discovers a connection to Zorin more profound than any she’s ever imagined.

Release day – June 28th

Available on Amazon

Read a short excerpt from the novel:

Zorin felt fingers on his wing and spun around, clasping the man’s wrist, stunned at the alarm on his face. “You see me?”

The man nodded and glanced back at the woman, who mimicked the gesture.

This caster was as stronger as the woman and his power flooded the gap between them. Using every measure of control he had not to absorb it, Zorin grunted, shoved the man backward, and tucked his wings close to his shoulders. Shocked and grateful they had the ability to see him, yet curious what they actually saw, Zorin opened the mental crystal bond and frowned as the word crossed the man’s mind.

“I’m not a gargoyle,” Zorin spat, huffing and clenching his jaw to calm down so he wouldn’t scare them further. The wide-eyed woman, dressed like a true survivor, held a lonely sai in her shaking hand, determined to protect herself. A quality he admired. He met her eyes. “Where did the wraiths come from?”

“The, uh, crazy lady,” she began, glancing over toward the bushes and furrowing her brow. “They were right there.” ….

About the Author

Jenn Nixon’s love of writing started the year she received her first diary and Nancy Drew novel. Throughout her teenage years, she kept a diary of her personal thoughts and feelings but graduated from Nancy Drew to other mystery suspense novels. Jenn often adds a thriller and suspense element to anything she writes be it Romance, Science Fiction, or Fantasy. When not writing, she spends her time reading, observing pop culture, playing with her two dogs, and working on various charitable projects in her home state of New Jersey.

You can find Jenn Nixon all over the interwebs:





Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’re reading some fantastic novels and having a wonderful summer.

Cheers and happy reading,


“The Guide says there is an art to flying”, said Ford, “or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”  ― Douglas Adams

New Release – Divining Elise + New Giveaways!

Hello again,

I have some fantastic news to share with you + book deals and new giveaways.

Divining Elise – the new Granite Lake Romance is available on Amazon!

Early readers are leaving positive reviews about the new book and the Everett brothers are winning the hearts of the readers. I hope you’ll give Divining Elise a chance and let me know what you think of Rob and Elise.

About the Book 

Elise Martinez wished her date with destiny didn’t include being run off the road by the most caring, handsome, and intelligent man she’d ever met.

Moving to Granite Lake to manage a bookstore and coffee shop meant Elise could finally leave her haunted past behind, but being a psychic mom to a deaf child has its benefits and downfalls—and her guarded heart isn’t ready for a new romance.

Rob Everett never imagined giving up corporate law to open a brewery with his brothers in Granite Lake would begin with a car accident and the arrival of a surprise baby.

As if being a single dad and starting a new business weren’t challenging enough, Rob can’t get the beautiful, mysterious, and feisty bookstore manager out of his mind.

Elise quickly captures Rob’s heart—but falling in love is a complicated, sexy, and emotional enterprise.

Mix in a baby, a haunted brewery, craft beer, and a dangerous ex-husband into this recipe of love and Rob and Elise’s future isn’t as easily divined as the fates would have foretold.

**Steamy Contemporary Romance intended for 18+ for mature language and sexual content.

**Full length novel with a happily ever after.

Available on: Amazon

Included in Kindle Unlimited ~ Paperback coming soon.

Read a short excerpt from the novel:

Elise rose from the couch and disappeared from the room. When she returned, she handed a paperback book to Rob.

“I bought this for you.”

He looked at the cover front and back. “I haven’t read this author.”

“He’s one of my favorite sci-fi authors of all time. The new book in the series came out yesterday.” She held up another book for Rob to see. “If you like it then I’ll bring you number two when you’re ready.”

“Are we having a reading date, Elise?”

“Is it too nerdy for you?”

“No. I’ve just never read with someone before,” he said.

“Well then you’re really missing out.”

“I guess I’ve been missing out on a lot of good things. I’ve never had homemade chimichangas or been whupped at the Memory game by a munchkin, either.”

“We’re pretty awesome like that.” Elise sat on the couch next to her son, Colton, who was already fast asleep. “Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want the word to get around about us.”

“I wouldn’t let this secret out. It’s too good to share.”

One eyebrow rose and she opened her book. Rob likewise began reading and to his surprise, he was instantly sucked into the story. After the first few chapters, he realized Maisie needed her nighttime bottle. He set the book on the coffee table to take care of his daughter. The sci-fi author was good. Really good. He could have kept turning pages for hours if he didn’t have responsibilities to take care of. After putting the baby in bed, he lifted Colton from the couch and carried him to the guest room. Elise took care of Colton, then joined him in the living room. The novels were forgotten and all Rob could focus on was Elise.

She took his hand and led him to his bedroom. Sixty-nine became Rob’s new favorite number. Elise was insatiable. Rob couldn’t believe how incredible their chemistry was. There was no ebb to their flow. He only wanted more of her.

Divining Elise is book 4 in the Granite Lake Romance series


And if you’re looking for more wonderful books to read + fun giveaways to enter, check this out:

Fill your e-reader with some fabulous $0.99 cent ebooks?


All books are less than a buck! + GIVEAWAYS DAILY!

Whether you’re lucky enough to be heading off for a fabulous vacay, or stuck at your desk only dreaming of beachy bliss, make a date with a fantastic read this summer. We have over 50 ebooks on sale for 99 cents. Mysteries, thrillers, romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance, fantasy, science fiction, whatever your genre, we have a book you’ll love!

Plus, every 24 hours, we’re putting up a new giveaway. Check in daily for a chance to win an Amazon gift card, ebook prize pack, or other great prizes for book lovers. Ends on June 18th.


WAIT —> There’s more –>

Are you looking for culturally diverse novels?

I joined the Loving Day Book Promotion because the main character in Divining Elise is of Hispanic descent and her son is deaf. Personally, I love reading (and writing) about other cultures and people of all walks of life. In my humble opinion, diversity can make the characters more interesting and fun to read!

So…. Whether or not you read through Kindle Unlimited, you won’t want to miss the awesome collection of books featuring diverse characters. With multiple genres to browse, you’re sure to find something you love! And don’t forget to enter the giveaway where you can win a Kindle Fire.  CLICK HERE TO BROWSE DIVERSE BOOKS AND ENTER TO WIN

Thank you for taking a moment of your day to catch up on the latest book news. And good luck in the giveaways.

Cheers and happy reading!

Jody A. Kessler

Mother’s Day Bliss, Dog Puke, and Plastic – What?

It’s been an amazing week. A near perfect week. I am so grateful for this day and every day. My husband made me French toast for breakfast and cleaned the kitchen. He told me, “Happy Mother’s Day” and bought me some small gifts that I really wanted. In truth, I ordered the presents for myself — but I’m totally okay with this, as they were something I wanted to try out. (I’ll get to this part of my Mother’s Day post in a minute.)

It’s Sunday and hubs has been spending nearly every free minute of his time with me and my son since he returned a couple days ago from a week-long road trip. He didn’t remember Mother’s Day until yesterday evening. He was actually shocked that Mother’s Day had arrived so soon –> Of course, I casually pointed out that Mother’s Day is always near our son’s birthday EVERY YEAR. –> but you know, my hubs’s memory is questionable and we won’t get into the number of his past head injuries.

So he woke up this morning and made me breakfast and this was after taking us to lunch yesterday and out for breakfast the day before (Yes, I’m feeling fluffy around the middle — and yes, I still ate the cinnamon raisin French toast.) And when I thanked him he said, “all the other things we’ve been doing since Friday were for the kidlet and he wanted to do something just for me.” <– Sweet, right?  I love hubby. And I don’t want to go out and do anything special today. For Mother’s Day I need to be home and relax after the BUSY week.

Because sometimes happiness is relaxing at home, knowing I’m cared for, and my needs are met. I have two jobs I love and a supportive family. That is my bliss. And… I picked out an Earth friendly Mother’s Day Present for myself – which for me, is special.

Because… Mother Earth is the source of all life and without our home we’re all screwed. Royally ‘effing screwed. <– That’s the title of my next romance novel, by the way. Totally kidding.

Every plant, animal, our water, air, and soil should be respected and taken care of. This has been on my mind a lot lately and I’ve reading too many devastating stories on the health of our planet and the environment. Having the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mentality engrained into my brain since I was child and taking care of our Mother Earth isn’t anything new. I’ve taken steps to be a more conscious human since I was a little kid, but recently, the “single use plastics” issue has been in the forefront of my concerns.

Here’s a blog post from National Geographic for more information:  Pesky plastic: The true harm of microplastics in the oceans

I made a promise to myself: From now on, I am using less plastic.

So I ask myself again, what can I REALISTICALLY do for the planet that I’m not already doing?

Which sort of leads to the real reason I’m blogging today.

To share the Mother’s Day gift I’m excited about trying.

This is what I bought:

Organic Reusable Food Wraps by Etee

Reusable produce bags (The ones I bought are now out of stock but there’s a wide variety of them on Amazon.)  Similar to these:

If I can make small changes in my daily routine that have less negative impact on our planet, then I’m doing SOMETHING. And all my little somethings will add up over a lifetime. What if we all made one small change every year – and taught our children to live in a similar way and continue our efforts? This could change our world for the better. 🙂

I started this post talking about my “near perfect week” and it has been fantastic, but it’s also been stressful. I don’t want anyone reading this and thinking Jody’s blogging because she leads some perfect fantasy life where all she does is sit around thinking up ways to save the planet. The truth is, I’m tired. I haven’t slept well for a week – or maybe 11 years. And after all the running around and enjoying the birthday celebrations and activities:

Last night, just after midnight I woke to the sound of my dog vomiting. I jumped – literally threw myself out of the bed – grabbed my glasses (so I could see any dog puke on the floor – and NOT step in it) to rush the dog outside before the puke hit the floor, or at least minimize the mess. And I shoved my hundred-and-twenty-pound dog out the door, turned around, and stepped right in cold dog vomit. (I was actually grateful it was on the tile and not the rug.) I limped to the bathroom trying not to dwell on the feeling of slime with hard chunks stuck to my foot and washed up in the bathtub, then returned to the hallway and cleaned up Nugget’s mess on my hands and knees. I eventually climbed back into bed and listened to my son cough and blow his nose because with all the birthday fun, he’s managed to acquire a cold. Yay. Not.

My poor kid feels like utter garbage. — Always keepin’ it real around here.

And I woke up this morning in a decent mood because somehow within the mystery of it all – the positive and happy moments and the less-than-stellar and challenging times that keep me humble – life is wonderfully complex and worth it.

And I just wanted to write this all down before I forgot. (I can’t blame past head injuries, my memory is awful.) Plus I’m excited about using less plastic and wanted to share what I found on Amazon to help me do just that – use less plastic.

Whatever you’re doing this weekend and the coming week, I hope it’s grand, or relaxing, or whatever you need it to be. Happy Mother’s Day to you, your loved ones, and our planet.



Cover Reveal ~ New Granite Lake Romance + GIVEAWAY!

Would you like to see the cover art for Divining Elise ~ the new Granite Lake Romance?!

About the Book 

Elise Martinez wished her date with destiny didn’t include being run off the road by the most caring, handsome, and intelligent man she’d ever met.

Moving to Granite Lake to manage a bookstore and coffee shop meant Elise could finally leave her haunted past behind, but being a psychic mom to a deaf child has its benefits and downfalls—and her guarded heart isn’t ready for a new romance.

Rob Everett never imagined giving up corporate law to open a brewery with his brothers in Granite Lake would begin with a car accident and the arrival of a surprise baby.

As if being a single dad and starting a new business weren’t challenging enough, Rob can’t get the beautiful, mysterious, and feisty bookstore manager out of his mind.

For Elise and Rob, falling in love is a complicated, sexy, and emotional enterprise.

Mix in a baby, a haunted brewery, craft beer, and a dangerous ex-husband into this recipe of love and their future isn’t as easily divined as the fates would have foretold.

**A steamy, sexy, stand-alone novel with a happy ever after.

**Intended for 18+ for mature language and sexual content.

Preorder is available now: Amazon 

Release date: June 14th, 2018

This week I have a customer appreciation giveaway happening.

One lucky winner will win a $50 Sephora Gift Card. Pamper yourself with beauty products from Sephora including makeup, skincare, fragrance, nail color, haircare and more.

And I’m thrilled about the release of Reclaiming Melanie so I’m still promoting my new Granite Lake Romance. Giveaway ends May 8th, 2018.

The $50 Sephora gift card is hosted by me, Jody A. Kessler, but featured on my good friend’s website, the fabulous BookWrapt.  ENTER GIVEAWAY HERE

Please read the terms and conditions on the Rafflecopter. No Purchase Necessary.


Please know that I respect your privacy and I’m committed to delivering blog posts that you want. If you are no longer interested in my blog, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button.

The winner of The White Crate Giveaway was Debbie. She has already been contacted by the organizer. Thank you for entering the giveaways!

And thank you for being here!

Jody A. Kessler

Win A Gift Box Full of FUN and FABULOUS Prizes – White Crate Romance Giveaway

The White Crate Romantic Reads Giveaway

Would you like to win a GIFT BOX full of fabulous prizes?

The White Crate is valued between $300 – $600. Inside the box contains a mystery prize that can be anything from a gift card to an iPad. (The last romance gift box had a $300 Amazon gift card.)

There are romance novels inside the White Crate along with other wonderful gifts!

The winner will be contacted by email from the organizer.

PLEASE NOTE: The picture above is not the actual prize but a sample of what has been awarded in a previous giveaway.



Please read the terms and conditions on the giveaway page.

If you’re not interested in joining other authors’ newsletters, please skip this giveaway and know that I’ll be giving away more goodies on my own in the future. 🙂

In Case You Missed It

New Release ~ Reclaiming Melanie

Granite Lake Romance – Book 3


About the Book – 

Single mom Melanie Jamison doesn’t have time for half-naked rescues from Granite Lake by her first love, Braden Keehn — the boy who mysteriously disappeared from her life a decade earlier. Coaching, repurposing furniture, and taking care of her daughter who has severe allergies have her swamped.

But there’s one gargantuan problem with this second chance romance – the sexy alpha game warden doesn’t seem to remember her.

Special Ops Game Warden Braden Keehn’s recent drug investigation leaves him ambushed in the forest and lucky to escape alive. Helping his brother fix and flip an investment property in Granite Lake is just what the doctor ordered for a quiet recuperation.

But there’s one mammoth-sized surprise — Melanie, the girl he loved and lost, lives in the house next door… and he can’t tell her anything about why he’s returned.

Reuniting with Melanie — and falling in love again is easy — but gaining her trust and finding their happy ever after brings frustrating, steamy, and sometimes hilarious challenges Braden never saw coming.

**A steamy, fun second-chance romance.

Reclaiming Melanie is a stand-alone novel with a happy ever after.

Get it now:  Amazon & Kindle Unlimited


Other News:

I’ve been occasionally posting in my reader group on Facebook. The group was originally started for the Hunks to the Rescue box set but we’re continuing to post and share our enthusiasm for romance novels and just having fun in the book world. You’re welcome to join me: Hunks & Romance Reader Group

Divining Elise – Granite Lake Romance – book 4 – is finished but the release date has not been scheduled. However, I am currently working with the cover artist and hope to have the preorder available in the near future. Keep an eye out for a gorgeous new book cover and more details about Rob Everett and Elise’s captivating new Granite Lake Romance.

As always, thanks for stopping in and good luck in the giveaway!

Cheers and happy reading,

Jody A. Kessler


Hooray! NEW RELEASE – Reclaiming Melanie – Granite Lake Romance

Hello and welcome back!

I haven’t posted anything on my blog for some time, but I’m thrilled to have you stop by. And I have great news:

I’m happy to announce my NEW RELEASE! – Reclaiming Melanie – Granite Lake Romance book 3 

What’s the new book about?

Single mom Melanie Jamison doesn’t have time for half-naked rescues from Granite Lake by her first love, Braden Keehn — the boy who mysteriously disappeared from her life a decade earlier. Coaching, repurposing furniture, and taking care of her daughter who has severe allergies have her swamped.

But there’s one gargantuan problem with this second chance romance – the sexy alpha game warden doesn’t seem to remember her.

Special Ops Game Warden Braden Keehn’s recent drug investigation leaves him ambushed in the forest and lucky to escape alive. Helping his brother fix and flip an investment property in Granite Lake is just what the doctor ordered for a quiet recuperation.

But there’s one mammoth-sized surprise — Melanie, the girl he loved and lost, lives in the house next door… and he can’t tell her anything about why he’s returned.

Reuniting with Melanie — and falling in love again is easy — but gaining her trust and finding their happy ever after brings frustrating, steamy, and sometimes hilarious challenges Braden never saw coming.

**A steamy, sexy, fun second-chance romance.

Reclaiming Melanie is a stand-alone novel with a happy ever after.

Would you like to read an excerpt?

“Excuse me?”

Melanie spun around and got slapped in the face with her past. Her jaw dropped and she was struck speechless by the man standing next to her car. Instantly self-aware of her hasty hairdo, lack of makeup, and varnish and paint-stained jeans, she found herself capable of doing, well, nothing. Deer-in-the-headlights syndrome much?

Braden Keehn smiled with a bad boy grin he didn’t possess eleven years earlier. His jeans were slung low over his hips and the abundance of ripped muscles beneath his thin cotton V-neck shirt screamed of hours spent working out in the gym. There was no subtlety or humility behind the gleam in his eye, and she somehow knew he’d checked out her package before turning around. The differences about his demeanor from when she knew him before were subtle, yet somehow glaringly obvious. She couldn’t put her finger on it. Melanie shook herself and tried to gain some composure.

“Hi there.” He stuck his hand out.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, or shock. He doesn’t recognize me. They spent nearly a year together when they were teenagers. How could he not know her? They were each other’s first love.

“I’m your new neighbor.” He dropped his hand as she still hadn’t recovered her ability to function.

He said something else, but she missed it because Sienna’s music switched songs and blared out of the car speakers.

“Sorry. I didn’t hear you.” She gestured toward the open door. “Hold on. Let me turn this down.”

Braden Keehn bought the house next door! Braden Keehn, the boy who broke her heart so completely it sent her on the path that led to teenaged pregnancy, dropping out of college, and a marriage she may not have otherwise chosen…


If you would like to find out more about Reclaiming Melanie, you can click here: Amazon 

AND… if you haven’t had a chance to read Chasing Treasure, now is a great time to download a copy because for a few days only, book 2 is .99 cents.

The Granite Lake Romance series is available on Amazon.

Paperback copies are also available for Chasing Treasure and Reclaiming Melanie.

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day!!

Warmest regards,

Jody A. Kessler

A note to my blog subscribers: I often share a lot of the same information on my blog as the newsletter, but occasionally my newsletter subscribers receive different posts and extra giveaways. If you don’t want to miss out on any of the extras, you can join the newsletter by signing up on the sidebar widget. (Notice that one sign up says, “blog” and the other sign up says, “Newsletter.” I hope this isn’t confusing. Let me know if you have any questions. – cheers and happy reading!

25 Days of Christmas Giveaway


We LOVE presents! Pretty wrapping. Glossy ribbons. The fun of guessing what will be inside that box. The whole holiday shebang. What makes Christmas that much more special is sharing gifts with you!

From December 1 to 25, we’re giving away presents galore. Enter for your chance to win ebooks and other surprises, including Godiva chocolate & Hallmark Christmas romance DVD 4-packs.

Each day, we’ll be posting two new giveaways, or sometimes a giveaway and FREE book for you to download immediately and enjoy.

No purchase necessary. Let us make your holiday a little more merry!

Enter to Win at:

Have fun & Good Luck!

No purchase necessary. Please read the terms and conditions for each giveaway. This Giveaway is Sponsored by

Allyson Lindt • Alyson Reynolds • Amanda Uhl • Anni Fife • April Fire • Bec McMaster • Cailin Briste • Casi McLean • Christine d’Abo • Donna R. Mercer • Gayle Parness • Holly Cortelyou • Hope Worthington • Jacqueline Diamond • Jo-Ann Carson • Joanne Dannon • Jody A. Kessler • Karen Michelle Nutt • Marilyn Peake • Melissa Belle • Melissa McClone • Michele Barrow-Belisle • Natasha Spencer • Patricia M Jackson • Regina Darcy • Rose Chapman • Sahara Roberts • Soraya Naomi • Stephanie Queen • Summer Cooper • Taylor Marsh • Traci Douglas • Aileen Harkwood

Holidays giveaway 1200 x 800 - Copy

Hunks to the Rescue – New Release – 18 Romance Novellas for .99 cents!

Release day is finally here!  Hunks to the Rescue box set includes some of my favorite authors! I am so honored to be part of such a wonderful group of romance writers.
Don’t forget to enter the giveaway and if you enjoy chatting with authors and playing ridiculously fun games, please join me and the Hunks authors at our Facebook box set release party and celebration, June 13 -16th

Title: Hunks to the Rescue
18 Contemporary Romance Novellas
18 NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Heroes by Day…Sinful Bad Boys by Night

Fantasized about being rescued by a red-hot hunk? Indulge in this box set of alpha rescuers with a delicious talent for romance. 18 stand-alone novellas from New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors will steam up your nights and leave you begging for more.

Whether the hunk you lust for is military, a firefighter, first responder, FBI agent, cowboy, bad boy mafioso, or that sexy, everyday guy who plucks you from danger only to kiss you senseless, this bundle has your hero.

18 hunks. 18 heart-pounding rescues. Brand-new stories. Get ready for a passionate and thrilling ride!


Saving Necessity by Margo Bond Collins. For this cowboy, risking his life to save a movie star from a fire is easier than risking his heart.

Tempting Conner by Victoria Pinder. Prince Conner Udine promised his best friend he’d protect his sister, Olivia, from an assassin’s bullet, but he needs to marry fast to save his country and Olivia is far too tempting.

An Unexpected Twist by Krista Ames. Used to fighting wildfires, Boone Michaels isn’t prepared for the sexy stranger who blows into town fighting battles of her own.

Bad Medicine by Deb Christie. An emergency room nurse and an ex-Army ranger with PTSD. One lives day in and day out with grief, the other with guilt. Can he forget? Can she forgive? A single dark secret holds the key.

Destiny’s Secret by Raine English. Eden Wright’s fixer of a Savannah mansion comes with two unexpected extras, a not so friendly ghost, and a hunky paranormal investigator whose agenda includes seducing her.

That Unexpected Kiss by Tamara Ferguson. Can an undercover FBI Agent rescue the woman he loves, when she’s targeted by his father’s killer?

A Silent Heart by Eli Grace. Laurie doesn’t have a voice to tell Tanner how she feels, but she can show him.

Unreachable Heart by Aileen Harkwood. When mountain rescue expert Hart Renker pulls a stunning survivor from a plane crash in the middle of a blizzard, the heat between them could melt the bitterest cold.

Dark Current by Lynda Haviland. Ben Kane hitches up to the dock at Willow’s troubled marina, with a murky past and a body hotter than the Florida sun, Is he destined to be her savior or her downfall?

Unwrapping Treasure (A Granite Lake Romance Novella) by Jody A. Kessler. Two paramedics, one disastrous night shift, and a sexy holiday vacation that changes everything.

Breaking the Rules by Katie O’Sullivan. Undercover at a 5-star resort, police detective and rule-breaker Jake Campbell finds the prime suspect impossible to resist.

Falling for Captain Hunk by Stephanie Queen. Captain Colin “Hunk” Lynch worries his attraction to a fellow law-enforcement professional could be the mistake of his life…if it prevents him from saving hers.

Fire and Ice (A Sunnydale Days Novella) by Constance Phillips. If only someone warned firefighter Brian his old flame, Charlene, would walk into his life. He should be angry. Instead, he wants to rekindle the flames of passion.

Two More Miles by Jan Romes. Keith rescues Ava after she falls at the gym, and the chemistry between them is undeniable.

The Bad in Each Other by Janice Ross. Caleb and Layla choose the worst possible time to hook up, as tragedy strikes and Layla puts everything on the line to enact revenge over the most heinous of crimes.

Come Hell or High Water by Nancy Segovia. Stranded on a rooftop with Dwight during a hurricane, Maisie’s resolve to swear off men weakens as she finds some promises are meant to be broken.

Coaching the Sub by Debbie White. Substitute teacher Shannon has her hands full with bullies in her classroom until Coach “Brock” Andrews gives an assist, while teaching Shannon a thing or two about love.

Path to Grace by Wilder and Quinn. Daughter of a mob boss, Carina wants nothing to do with the family business until she’s in need of a rescue by the family’s “cleaner,” Matteo.

Thank you for stopping by. Good luck in the giveaway and happy reading!
Jody A Kessler